Commit f7734c69 authored by kernc's avatar kernc

logkeys is now Ctrl aware and creates LF+timestamp on Ctrl+C and Ctrl+D.

git-svn-id: c501e62c-e7d1-11de-a198-37193048d1ed
parent bc63507f
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
wchar_t char_keytable[49] = L"1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'`\\zxcvbnm,./<";
wchar_t shift_keytable[49] = L"!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:\"~|ZXCVBNM<>?>";
wchar_t altgr_keytable[49] = L"\0@\0$\0\0{[]}\\\0qwertyuiop\0~asdfghjkl\0\0\0\0zxcvbnm\0\0\0|"; // \0 on no symbol; as obtained by `loadkeys us`
wchar_t altgr_keytable[49] = {0}; // old, US don't use AltGr key: L"\0@\0$\0\0{[]}\\\0qwertyuiop\0~asdfghjkl\0\0\0\0zxcvbnm\0\0\0|"; // \0 on no symbol; as obtained by `loadkeys us`
const char char_or_func[] = // c means character key, f means function key, _ is blank/error (_ used, don't change); all according to KEY_* defines from <linux/input.h>
......@@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char repeat[16]; // holds "key repeated" string of the format "<x%d>"
bool shift_in_effect = false;
bool altgr_in_effect = false;
bool ctrl_in_effect = false; // used for identifying Ctrl+C / Ctrl+D
int count_repeats = 0; // count_repeats differs from the actual number of repeated characters!! only OS knows how these two values are related (by respecting configured repeat speed and delay)
time_t cur_time;
......@@ -525,11 +526,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// on key press
if (event.value == EV_MAKE) {
// on ENTER key append timestamp
if (scan_code == KEY_ENTER || scan_code == KEY_KPENTER) { // create new timestamp on ENTER
// on ENTER key or Ctrl+C/Ctrl+D event append timestamp
if (scan_code == KEY_ENTER || scan_code == KEY_KPENTER ||
(ctrl_in_effect && (scan_code == KEY_C || scan_code == KEY_D))) {
strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "\n%F %T%z > ", localtime(&event.time.tv_sec));
fprintf (stdout, "%s", timestamp);
continue; // don't log "<Enter>"
if (ctrl_in_effect)
fprintf(stdout, "%lc", char_keytable[to_char_array_index(scan_code)]); // log C or D
fprintf (stdout, "%s", timestamp); // then newline and timestamp
continue; // but don't log "<Enter>"
if (scan_code == KEY_LEFTSHIFT || scan_code == KEY_RIGHTSHIFT)
......@@ -538,12 +542,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (scan_code == KEY_RIGHTALT)
altgr_in_effect = true;
if (scan_code == KEY_LEFTCTRL || scan_code == KEY_RIGHTCTRL)
ctrl_in_effect = true;
// print character or string responding to received keycode
if (char_or_func[scan_code] == 'c') {
if (altgr_in_effect) {
wchar_t wch = altgr_keytable[to_char_array_index(scan_code)];
if (wch != L'\0') fprintf(stdout, "%lc", wch);
else fprintf(stdout, "%lc", char_keytable[to_char_array_index(scan_code)]);
else if (shift_in_effect)
fprintf(stdout, "%lc", shift_keytable[to_char_array_index(scan_code)]);
fprintf(stdout, "%lc", char_keytable[to_char_array_index(scan_code)]);
} else if (shift_in_effect)
fprintf(stdout, "%lc", shift_keytable[to_char_array_index(scan_code)]);
......@@ -565,6 +575,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
shift_in_effect = false;
if (scan_code == KEY_RIGHTALT)
altgr_in_effect = false;
if (scan_code == KEY_LEFTCTRL || scan_code == KEY_RIGHTCTRL)
ctrl_in_effect = false;
prev_code = scan_code;
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