Commit 9012b446 authored by kernc's avatar kernc

updated so there are no 0bXXXX binary constants defined (replaced with...

updated so there are no 0bXXXX binary constants defined (replaced with hexadecimal 0xXXXX), because they seem to cause errors on older g++

git-svn-id: c501e62c-e7d1-11de-a198-37193048d1ed
parent 88f1ebe6
......@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ struct arguments
char * irc_port; // if --post-irc effective, this holds the IRC port number
off_t post_size; // post log file to remote when of size post_size, --post-size switch
int flags; // holds the following option flags
#define FLAG_EXPORT_KEYMAP 0b1 // export keymap obtained from dumpkeys, --export-keymap is used
#define FLAG_NO_FUNC_KEYS 0b10 // only log character keys (e.g. 'c', '2', etc.) and don't log function keys (e.g. <LShift>, etc.), --no-func-keys switch
#define FLAG_NO_TIMESTAMPS 0b100 // don't log timestamps, --no-timestamps switch
#define FLAG_POST_HTTP 0b1000 // post log to remote HTTP server, --post-http switch
#define FLAG_POST_IRC 0b10000 // post log to remote IRC server, --post-irc switch
#define FLAG_POST_SIZE 0b100000 // post log to remote HTTP or IRC server when log of size optarg, --post-size
#define FLAG_EXPORT_KEYMAP 0x1 // export keymap obtained from dumpkeys, --export-keymap is used
#define FLAG_NO_FUNC_KEYS 0x2 // only log character keys (e.g. 'c', '2', etc.) and don't log function keys (e.g. <LShift>, etc.), --no-func-keys switch
#define FLAG_NO_TIMESTAMPS 0x4 // don't log timestamps, --no-timestamps switch
#define FLAG_POST_HTTP 0x8 // post log to remote HTTP server, --post-http switch
#define FLAG_POST_IRC 0x10 // post log to remote IRC server, --post-irc switch
#define FLAG_POST_SIZE 0x20 // post log to remote HTTP or IRC server when log of size optarg, --post-size
} args = {0}; // default all args to 0x0
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
namespace logkeys {
// executes cmd and returns string ouput or "ERR" on pipe error
// executes cmd and returns string ouput
std::string execute(const char* cmd)
FILE* pipe = popen(cmd, "r");
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