Commit 59976aed authored by kernc's avatar kernc

Fixed issue 45 (only --post-size rewrites old log)

git-svn-id: c501e62c-e7d1-11de-a198-37193048d1ed
parent aa081269
......@@ -510,14 +510,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error opening output file '%s'", args.logfile.c_str());
file_size = 0; // new log file is now empty
// TODO: write new timestamp
switch (fork())
// write new timestamp
strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), TIME_FORMAT, localtime(&cur_time));
if (args.flags & FLAG_NO_TIMESTAMPS)
file_size += fprintf(out, "Logging started at %s\n\n", timestamp);
file_size += fprintf(out, "Logging started ...\n\n%s", timestamp);
if (!args.http_url.empty() || !args.irc_server.empty()) {
switch (fork()) {
case -1: error(0, errno, "Error while forking remote-posting process");
case 0:
start_remote_upload(); // child process will upload the .log.i files
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