Commit 439cf36f authored by davidstutz's avatar davidstutz

onSelectAll option for #415.

parent 04bee6dd
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
function forEach(array, callback) {
for (var index = 0; index < array.length; ++index) {
callback(array[index], index);
......@@ -240,6 +240,12 @@
onDropdownHidden: function(event) {
* Triggered on select all.
onSelectAll: function() {
buttonClass: 'btn btn-default',
inheritClass: false,
......@@ -1004,8 +1010,9 @@
* If justVisible is true or not specified, only visible options are selected.
* @param {Boolean} justVisible
* @param {Boolean} triggerOnSelectAll
selectAll: function (justVisible) {
selectAll: function (justVisible, triggerOnSelectAll) {
var justVisible = typeof justVisible === 'undefined' ? true : justVisible;
var allCheckboxes = $("li input[type='checkbox']:enabled", this.$ul);
var visibleCheckboxes = allCheckboxes.filter(":visible");
......@@ -1033,6 +1040,10 @@
return $.inArray($(this).val(), values) !== -1;
}).prop('selected', true);
if (triggerOnSelectAll) {
......@@ -1102,42 +1113,41 @@
* The provided data will be used to build the dropdown.
dataprovider: function(dataprovider) {
var optionDOM = "";
var groupCounter = 0;
var tags = []; // create empty array
var $select = this.$select.empty();
$.each(dataprovider, function (index, option) {
var tag;
var $tag;
if ($.isArray(option.children)) { // create optiongroup tag
tag = $('<optgroup/>').attr({
$tag = $('<optgroup/>').attr({
label: option.label || 'Group ' + groupCounter
forEach(option.children, function(subOption) { // add children option tags
value: subOption.value,
label: subOption.label || subOption.value,
title: subOption.title,
selected: !!subOption.selected
optionDOM += '</optgroup>';
else { // create option tag
tag = $('<option/>').attr({
else {
$tag = $('<option/>').attr({
value: option.value,
label: option.label || option.value,
title: option.title,
selected: !!option.selected
......@@ -1201,6 +1211,7 @@
if (checkedBoxesLength > 0 && checkedBoxesLength === allBoxesLength) {
selectAllInput.prop("checked", true);
else {
selectAllInput.prop("checked", false);
......@@ -1595,6 +1595,49 @@
This function is triggered when the select all option is used to select all options. Note that this can also be triggered manually using the <code>.multiselect('selectAll')</code> method.
<div class="example">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
includeSelectAllOption: true,
onSelectAll: function() {
alert('onSelectAll triggered.');
<select id="example-onSelectAll" multiple="multiple">
<option value="1">Option 1</option>
<option value="2">Option 2</option>
<option value="3">Option 3</option>
<option value="4">Option 4</option>
<option value="5">Option 5</option>
<option value="6">Option 6</option>
<div class="highlight">
<pre class="prettyprint linenums">
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
includeSelectAllOption: true,
onSelectAll: function() {
alert('onSelectAll triggered.');
......@@ -407,6 +407,10 @@ describe('Bootstrap Multiselect "Dataprovider"', function() {
describe('Bootstrap Multiselect "Select All".', function() {
var onSelectAllTriggered = false;
var onDeselectAllTriggered = false;
beforeEach(function() {
var $select = $('<select id="multiselect" multiple="multiple"></select>');
......@@ -419,7 +423,13 @@ describe('Bootstrap Multiselect "Select All".', function() {
buttonContainer: '<div id="multiselect-container"></div>',
includeSelectAllOption: true,
selectAllValue: 'multiselect-all'
selectAllValue: 'multiselect-all',
onSelectAll: function() {
onSelectAllTriggered = true;
onDeselectAll: function() {
onDeselectAllTriggered = true;
......@@ -524,6 +534,40 @@ describe('Bootstrap Multiselect "Select All".', function() {
expect($('#multiselect-container input[value="multiselect-all"]').prop('checked')).toBe(false);
it('Should trigger onSelectAll based on the change event.', function() {
expect($('#multiselect option:selected').length).toBe(0);
expect($('#multiselect-container input[value="multiselect-all"]').prop('checked')).toBe(false);
// Change all checkboxes except the select all one.
$('#multiselect-container input[value!="multiselect-all"]').prop('checked', true);
$('#multiselect-container input[value!="multiselect-all"]').trigger('change');
expect($('#multiselect option:selected[value!="multiselect-all"]').length).toBe(99);
// 100 options seleted including the select all.
expect($('#multiselect option:selected').length).toBe(99);
expect($('#multiselect-container input[value="multiselect-all"]').prop('checked')).toBe(true);
it('Should trigger onSelectAll based on the click event.', function() {
expect($('#multiselect option:selected').length).toBe(0);
expect($('#multiselect-container input[value="multiselect-all"]').prop('checked')).toBe(false);
$('#multiselect-container input[value!="multiselect-all"]').click();
expect($('#multiselect option:selected').length).toBe(99);
expect($('#multiselect-container input[value="multiselect-all"]').prop('checked')).toBe(true);
it('Should trigger onSelectAll on function call.', function() {
$('#multiselect').multiselect('selectAll', true, true);
afterEach(function() {
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