Commit 108b8332 authored by David Stutz's avatar David Stutz

Merge pull request #380 from JhonnyL/master

#365. Additional option for selectAll.
parents 8b42b6a9 efbff77d
......@@ -878,17 +878,28 @@
* Selects all enabled & visible options.
* If justVisible is true or not specified, only visible options are selected.
* @param {Boolean} justVisible
selectAll: function () {
selectAll: function (justVisible) {
var justVisible = typeof justVisible === 'undefined' ? true : justVisible;
var allCheckboxes = $("li input[type='checkbox']:enabled", this.$ul);
var visibleCheckboxes = allCheckboxes.filter(":visible");
var allCheckboxesCount = allCheckboxes.length;
var visibleCheckboxesCount = visibleCheckboxes.length;
if(justVisible) {
visibleCheckboxes.prop('checked', true);
$("li:not(.divider):not(.disabled)", this.$ul).filter(":visible").addClass(this.options.selectedClass);
else {
allCheckboxes.prop('checked', true);
$("li:not(.divider):not(.disabled)", this.$ul).addClass(this.options.selectedClass);
visibleCheckboxes.prop('checked', true);
$("li:not(.divider):not(.disabled)", this.$ul).filter(":visible").addClass(this.options.selectedClass);
if (allCheckboxesCount === visibleCheckboxesCount) {
if (allCheckboxesCount === visibleCheckboxesCount || justVisible === false) {
$("option:enabled", this.$select).prop('selected', true);
else {
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