Commit bb2563b8 authored by John E. Vincent's avatar John E. Vincent

fixing an MRI 1.8 incompat in specs

parent ae0d4092
......@@ -59,15 +59,16 @@ describe "Using the Link Model", :reset_redis => true do
h[:updated_at].should == l.updated_at
h[:created_at].should == l.created_at
h[:hosts].has_key?( == true
h[:hosts][].keys.sort.should == [:id, :status, :tags, :services].sort
h[:hosts][] {|k| k.to_s}.sort.should == [:id, :status, :tags, :services].map {|k| k.to_s}.sort
h[:services].has_key?( == true
h[:services][][].keys.sort.should == [:id, :status, :tags].sort
h[:services][][] {|k| k.to_s}.sort.should == [:id, :status, :tags].map {|k| k.to_s}.sort
h[:applications].has_key?( == true
h[:applications][].keys.sort.should == [:id, :tags, :configurations].sort
h[:applications][] {|k| k.to_s}.sort.should == [:id, :tags, :configurations].map {|k| k.to_s}.sort
h[:configurations].has_key?( == true
h[:configurations][].keys.sort.should == [:id, :tags, :format, :body].sort
h[:configurations][] {|k| k.to_s }.sort.should == [:id, :tags, :format, :body].map {|k| k.to_s}.sort
h[:ephemerals].has_key?( == true
h[:ephemerals][].keys.sort.should == [:id, :tags, :path, :data].sort
h[:ephemerals][] {|k| k.to_s}.sort.should == [:id, :tags, :path, :data].map {|k| k.to_s}.sort
describe "should not" do
......@@ -84,5 +85,3 @@ describe "Using the Link Model", :reset_redis => true do
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