Commit 657e96c7 authored by kernc's avatar kernc

Mentioned llk and llkk in the ChangeLog, and added more --post-size info in the man file.

git-svn-id: c501e62c-e7d1-11de-a198-37193048d1ed
parent 8742f700
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ v0.1.1a (2010-05-31)
* other security fixes
* code refactoring
* remote log uploading via HTTP
* lkl and lklk are now llk and llkk to avoid confusion
* llk and llkk are now programs that run scripts
* bug fixes
v0.1.0 (2010-01-05)
......@@ -110,10 +110,15 @@ where X is ascending number (e.g. \fIlogfile.1\fR).
When that happens, logkeys starts remote uploading process and all \fIlogfile.X\fR
files are uploaded as specified by \fB--post-http\fR or \fB--post-irc\fR options.
If \fB--post-size\fR is set, but no post method is set (i.e. neither \fB--post-http\fR
nor \fB--post-irc\fR), then the logfile is only truncated when it reaches
\fISIZE\fR, renamed to \fIlogfile.X\fR, and a new blank logfile is created for
active logging.
If \fB--post-size\fR is set, but no post method is set, then the logfile is only
truncated when it reaches \fISIZE\fR, renamed to \fIlogfile.X\fR, and a new blank
logfile is created for active logging.
If \fB--post-size\fR is not set, but post method is, then the default \fISIZE\fR of
500 KB (500.000 B) is used.
If \fB--post-size\fR is not set, and neither is any post method, then logkeys appends
to the single specified log file.
\fISIZE\fR can be an integer bytesize, or an intger followed by K or M for kilobytes
or megabytes, respectively.
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