Commit 8d803bd2 authored by David Stutz's avatar David Stutz

Merge pull request #275 from Tyf0x/master

Select-All performance improvement.
parents 47d60e38 74e24a50
......@@ -345,17 +345,12 @@
var $checkboxesNotThis = $('input', this.$container).not($target);
if (isSelectAllOption) {
if (this.$select[0][0].value === this.options.selectAllValue) {
var values = [];
var options = $('option[value!="' + this.options.selectAllValue + '"][data-role!="divider"]', this.$select);
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
// Select the visible checkboxes except the "select-all" and possible divider.
var availableInputs = $('li input[value!="' + this.options.selectAllValue + '"][data-role!="divider"]', this.$ul).filter(':visible');
// Check whether this option is actually visible.
if (this.getInputByValue(options[i].value) && this.getInputByValue(options[i].value).is(':visible')) {
for (var i = 0, j = availableInputs.length; i < j; i++) {
if (checked) {
......@@ -365,7 +360,6 @@
if (checked) {
$option.prop('selected', true);
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