<code>multiple</code> is not a real configuration option. It refers to the <code>multiple</code> attribute of the <code>select</code> the plugin is applied on. When the <code>multiple</code> attribute of the <code>select</code> is present, the plugin uses checkboxes to allow multiple selections. If it is not present, the plugin uses radio buttons to allow single selections. When using the plugin for single selections (without the <code>multiple</code> attribute present), the first option will automatically be selected if no other option is selected in advance. See <ahref="https://github.com/davidstutz/bootstrap-multiselect/issues/129">#129</a> for how to avoid this behavior.
XSS injection is a serious thread for all modern web applications. Setting <code>enableHTML</code> to <code>false</code> (default setting) will create a XSS save multiselect.
A function which is triggered on the change event of the options. Note that the event is not triggered when selecting or deselecting options using the <code>select</code> and <code>deselect</code> methods provided by the plugin.
The text displayed if more than <code>numberDisplayed</code> options are selected. This option is used by the default <code>buttonText</code> and <code>buttonTitle</code> callbacks.